Confused Between Ductless vs. Ducted ACs? Here’s How to Choose!

Renovating your property? If so, you’ve got a ton of decision-making to do.

One of those decisions involve an air conditioner. It’s a vital home item, and you need to pick your ACs right!

Unfortunately, this is easier said than done. Many contractors will throw options at you, and without providing adequate explanations.

And that’s what we’ll cover today.

We’ll discuss the two main types of HVAC air-cooling systems (those being Ductless and Ducted).

Check out the information, then pick what’s best for you!

First – The Difference Between Ducted and Ductless ACS

In ducted AC systems, sheet metal is what’s used for the insides of ceilings and walls within a residence.

Such ducts usually serve both cooling and heating systems.

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From there, cool and warm air travels through the ducts (from the center AC unit or furnace). It is then delivered through vents to different rooms of your residence.

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What About Ductless?

As seen in the name, ductless AC systems (which are normally called mini-splits) lack ducts within the walls for air distribution.

The AC doesn’t use a central indoor air handler to cool and blow air to ducts.

Instead, it applies refrigerant immediately to the blowers (which are small air handlers) which you install across your residence rooms.

And those blowers tend to look like mini-boxes that are placed on the walls and ceilings of each room!

When Should You Use Ducted ACs?

You should use them in the following 5 scenarios…

(1) If You Already Have Ducts.

If you’ve already installed ductwork and it’s in excellent condition, then go ahead and get a ducted system.

Why? It’s because you’ll have an easy time installing the air conditioner, plus it’s cheaper and quicker. All you have to do is connect the new units to the already installed ventilation!

(2) If Humidity is an Issue.

ACs with ducts are quite good at humidity control. However, ductless systems tend to lack the air handlers needed to remove and drain the moisture in the air!

(3) If You Need Improved Air Flow.

Air conditioning systems with ducts also provide improved circulation.

However, since ductless systems operate in individual rooms, there will be less air circulation. And this may lead to stagnation and changes in air pressure levels!

(4) If You Care About Home Appearance.

Looks matter in your residential area. And for that reason, a ducted air conditioner option might be your best bet.

How so? The air handling boxes placed on each ceiling and wall of ductless ACs aren’t the most ideal from a looks viewpoint. But with a duct AC, the entire system is hidden in crawl spaces and behind walls!

(5) Reduction of Maintenance Expenses.

A ducted AC is easier and costs less to service. Plus, it has less components for you to operate with.

All you’re cleaning is the unit outside, and the single air handler indoors. Alternatively, a ductless AC has air handlers within each room that need servicing!

When Should You Choose Ductless ACs?

You should use them in the following 5 scenarios…

(1) If You Lack the Space for Wall/Ceiling Ducts.

This applies to urban areas that are tight and have thin walls (like a NYC apartment).

After all, would you want to ruin the high ceilings of your rooms just for a ducted variant? Absolutely not.

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You want to ensure that the ceilings stay high. So ductless works here!

(2) You’re Adding Rooms to Existing Spaces.

If your place needs new rooms (like an office or a garage), then using ducted systems might not work well.

It’ll be expensive to connect the system to new rooms. So you’ll need an easy alternative that’s “quick to install.”

This is where a small ductless system comes in. You can get zoned cooling in your new room, which works well if you use that room sparingly!

(3) You’re Decreasing Dust.

Forced air doesn’t go through ducts where dust collects. As a result, you reduce the changes of dust ending up in your room!

(4) You Need Many Cooling Zones.

Ductless ACs have many handlers per room. You can control those separately, depending on each person’s cooling needs.

This gives you more variety. You can lower temperatures for guests, or increase them a bit if someone is sleeping!

However, this control can also be achieved with a zoning and VRF system, and for ductless and ducted operations.

VRF systems are somewhat new though, and they have better technology with many luxury advantages for homeowners!

Final Tip: Pick the Best Installers.

Whatever system you select, there’s always a point to keep in-mind. That is, ensure you pick an installer that’s qualified.

After all, ACs are complex and expensive to install. So it’s best if an expert configures it.

So be sure to contact a good contractor, and get to work!

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