How to Leave Someone’s Private Story on Snapchat


November 9, 2021 How To No comments

In the current trend, everybody posts stories and status on different social media platforms. One of the well-known application software used for taking selfies, uploading snaps or stories is Snapchat.

Everyone is sharing their emotions and adventures with the people. But it’s not always true, everyone does not want to share their emotions or personal memories or events with everyone. They have a list of some people they can share the stories with. For those, Snapchat introduced private stories using which only a selected number of people of your choice will be able to see your Snapchat stories.

But there is another problem too, and the question is What if you don’t want to be on that list but are unable to clarify the reason before the person.

Is it possible to leave someone’s private story?

The question now arises: what would you do if you do not want to be on that list but you don’t have the knowledge of how to get rid of this mess. Can you leave someone’s private without letting them know?

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The answer will be yes, you can ignore a person’s private story without giving them a hint or making unfriend or blocking him.

When you start to leave a person’s private story, not only will you be unable to view their story but also you will be unable to know if they have posted a story or not.

How to leave a private story on Snapchat?

To leave from the list of members of someone’s private story viewers, you first need to head to the story in the story section of the software(to do so, open the Snapchat app and swipe left).

If the person’s story icon is visible to you at the top, it’s cool, or else go to the search bar and enter the username of the person you want to leave the story of.

If the person had added you as their private story viewer, you will see a story option with a lock icon on his profile.

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Click and hold the story icon until you get a popup display with options. Click on “Leave story” and then reconfirm it by clicking “yes” or “allow”. Clicking the confirmation option will make the story disappear for you.

How to know if you are on someone’s private story?

Usually, Snapchat does not notify you if someone has added you to the list of their private story viewers. You are also unable to know when they have posted something in their private story. There is only one sign to confirm that you have been added to someone’s private story.

If you belong to their list of private story viewers, you will see a purple lock indicated on the profile icon. The purple lock is a sign for the story being private and you being able to see it.

People who are not allowed to view the private story can not even see the story icon at the top.

How to know who has left your private story?

This time also, Snapchat usually does not notify you if someone in your private list has left your private story. The person also remains on the list you created with the allowance of viewing your private story as you are the one who wants to share your story with them.

There is only one way by which you can know who has left your private story and that is by checking your viewer’s list. To do so, follow the steps given below.

  • Open the Snapchat app and click on your story at the top-left corner.
  • Click on “view” to check the list of people who have viewed your story.

If a person is consistently missing from your private story viewers list, there is a huge possibility that he has left your private story.

To how many stories can you be added by a person?

Snapchat offers a feature using which you can be added to multiple private stories by a person. A person can mostly add you to three of his private stories. You are also allowed to have more than one mutual friends who are on more than one of your private stories.

A private story comes under the username icon, not with a private story tag.

You can know which private story you are on from the story name mentioned in the top left corner of Snapchat.


In this guide, we have covered some important points regarding the private story on Snapchat.

  • We have come to know how you can leave a person’s private without letting them know.
  • It is also possible that you can be added to more than one private story of a person.
  • We have learned how to find out who has left your private story.

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